Science Vocabulary Bowling is a easy to prep, explain, and play!
Print off a set of science task cards and the answer key. Get out your bowling set. I like this colorful plastic bowling kit from Amazon (affiliate).
How to Play
Set up a score sheet on some scratch paper. Player 1 has Player 2 read the card and answer choices aloud as they both look at the card. Player 1 says his answer. Player 3 checks the answer key, then turns it back over. If Player 1 got the correct answer, he gets to bowl. He records the number of pins he knocks over and sets them back up. Then, Player 2 takes a turn!
Why I Love It
- All you need is a bowling set and a set of task cards.
- The game is fast-paced.
- There is super high engagement from students.
- Students review their vocabulary and play at the same time!
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3 thoughts on “Science Vocabulary Ideas: Bowling Review Game”
Hi Ari!
I got this bowling set last night! I am going to use it to review adding common fractions! I added some white board tape to the bowling bins and write different fractions on them. Students will go bowling and what ever they knock down they have to add to together!! OF course they have to change to a common denominator!
Love it!
It’s really good for bowling lover…