Science is a vast and complex subject, and it can be difficult for students to learn all the associated vocabulary. The digital vocabulary line that I have created is a great way to help students learn science vocabulary in a fun and engaging way.
The Digital Vocabulary Bundle is a collection of 23 digital vocabulary lessons that cover all of the major topics in science, including earth and space science, life science, matter and energy, and physical science. Each lesson includes a Google Form activity that students can complete independently. The activities are designed to be engaging and interactive, and they use various media, such as text, images, and video clips to help students learn vocabulary. This is not your typical flashcard-style vocabulary lesson!
Each vocabulary lesson has 5 sections that students complete. Students are given key vocabulary terms at the start of the lesson, and then each section has interactive activities to complete. The activities use various media, which helps students learn in different ways. The lessons are self-paced and auto-graded, which saves you time grading.
There are a variety of ways that you can use this resource in your classroom. You can use the activities as a pre-assessment to identify the vocabulary terms your students need to learn.
Or, you can use the activities as a post-assessment to assess your students’ understanding of the vocabulary terms.
I also like to use the activities as a review before a test or quiz. Sometimes, I use the activities to introduce new vocabulary terms to my students. Other times, the activities are a way to reinforce the learning of previously taught vocabulary terms.
Are you new to Google Forms? No worries! I’ve recorded a video for this resource line to walk you through accessing, setting up, and delivering the lessons to your students.
No matter how you choose to use the Digital Vocabulary Lessons, you and your kids will love practicing their new science vocabulary!
Try it out! Find these resources on TPT.