EASY Science Lessons with Slides & Worksheet Notes for 4th Grade and 5th Grade
Imagine this scenario: You wake up on a bright, sunny day and panic sets in. “Oh no”, you think to yourself, “What science lesson will
Imagine this scenario: You wake up on a bright, sunny day and panic sets in. “Oh no”, you think to yourself, “What science lesson will
Do your students sometimes draw the tiniest little science diagrams? Do they skip the labels? Do some forget to describe their observations and measurements? Ever
Science flipbooks are a fun way to take notes and organize information. With a science flipbook, you can cut and paste and take notes.
The first year I used Interactive Science Notebooks, almost all of the content on the pages was determined by me. Instead of notebooking, my 5th
Are you new to using Interactive Notebooks? After 6 years of trial and error, I made a list of 12 things I wish I had known
Let’s mix it up! What are some different ways you can incorporate fold-ups (foldable pages) into your science lessons? 1. Research This is just what
Setting Up Your Science Notebook Many teachers have expressed concern about doing notebooks “the right way.” I’m here to tell you there is no right
Thinking Maps® are visual representations for different thought processes. They’ve been around for decades, but are a BIG deal in some districts right now, so I
When I first began my journey as a 5th-grade teacher, I held a misconception about students’ abilities in writing. I thought they could easily articulate
Interactive Notebook Grading SolutionI’ve got a time-saving tip to avoid stacks and stacks of notebooks that need grading and feedback. I’ve posted a lot
I get loads of questions about the Output aspect of notebooking. If you read no further, read this: Be flexible. Advice Allowing time for student output
Notebook is a verb! It’s active. Students are talking. You’re talking. They’re doing stuff. You’re doing stuff. It’s interactive! In this post, I focus on
As a new teacher, I struggled to plan engaging, rigorous science lessons. Throughout my time teaching upper elementary and in my graduate studies, I discovered what worked well and developed science curriculum for busy teachers. Now, teachers across the country use Science Penguin activities every single day in their classrooms!
This is an exclusive library of 40+ science printables, labs, activities, and games for grades 3-6!
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