Sorting relays are an easy addition to any science class. I started using them when I had a group that needed a more active way to review.
Science sorting relays can be a fun and engaging way to get students involved.
Science sorting relays are typically done in teams, encouraging student collaboration and teamwork.
Sorting relays are a great way to reinforce previously taught concepts. By categorizing and sorting items related to the topic, students get to review the material and reinforce their understanding.
Sorting relays are hands-on activities that allow students to interact directly with your science topic.
Let’s look at 3 ways I’ve used Science Sorting Relays.
1. Relay Race
2. Team Sort
Sometimes students aren’t quite familiar enough with the material to use a relay right away. That’s why sometimes I’ve used Team Sorts. This is simple.
Give each team a copy of all 27 cards. Ask teams to sort all of the cards at their tables.
Walk around check work to be sure students know how all items should be categorized.
You can always move on to doing the relay after giving students a chance to work together on a Team Sort.
3. Pairs Game
Play a game in partners or 1-on-1. Tic Tac Toe is an easy game to use. Students take turns determining how the card should be classified. If they get it right, they get to mark their X or O. If they don’t, move on the next player. Be sure to include an answer key!
We’ve also been successful with Connect 4!
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