Who else loves spring? Sunny days, rainy days, birds, flowers, time outdoors– it really is the best! Since I love being outside enjoying all spring has to offer, I also try to bring science class outdoors.
Here are a few of my favorite activities for Spring Science.
1. Cloud Study
Spring weather can change rapidly. Can looking at the sky help you predict the weather? Your students will find out during this detailed Clouds unit.
See it on TpT : Clouds and Weather Phenomenon
2. Egg Read Aloud and Flapbook
After or while reading Egg, students complete the flapbook with examples of animals that lay eggs, how animals protect their eggs, and any interesting behaviors animals have regarding their eggs (There are lots!).
Learn more about this lesson and download your free flapbook using the link below.
Blog Post and Freebie : Egg Picture Book Science

3. Picture Books
On a nice spring day, head outside for a read-aloud! Here are some of my favorite spring and seasons related books for preschoolers all the way to upper elementary students.
This list features affiliate links.
4. Earth Day Scavenger Hunt
The scavenger hunts have been very popular with teachers and families. I love seeing all the creative ways students share their learning.
This activity is for grades 2-6.
Free Download on TpT: Earth Day Scavenger Hunt

5. Out the Door to Explore
Head outside to explore the science in the world around you for scavenger hunts, guided walks, and explorations! Learn about matter, soil, erosion, landforms, the water cycle, natural resources, shadows, ecosystems, plants, seeds, and animals.
Out the Door to Explore: Full STEAM Ahead contains 35 science activities that can be done outside or by using natural materials inside.
For spring, I particularly like How Seeds Move, Build a Nest, and In the Zone.
See it on TpT : Out the Door to Explore
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