Earth Day Science 2025 for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade

Happy Earth Day! We know more than ever just how important science, community, and a global perspective are for our world.

Earth Day has always been one of my favorite holidays to celebrate with kids. Here are a few ready-to-use activities for teaching science AND thinking about our planet.

Here are a few activities to enjoy with 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade!


1. Earth Day Scavenger Hunt

The scavenger hunts have been very popular with teachers and families. I love seeing all the creative ways students share their learning.

This activity is for grades 3rd-5th and is part of my Earth Day Activities pack.

See it on TpT: Earth Day Activities


2. Earth Day Digital Vocabulary

If you’ve been thinking about trying my new Science Digital Vocabulary Lessons, here’s your chance to try it for free.

This activity is for grades 3-6.

For this lesson, I chose terms that students have likely heard before but might not really know the meaning of. Hopefully, this activity will help them develop the confidence and knowledge needed to use these terms in daily life.

Focus vocabulary:

    conservation, nonrenewable resources, renewable resources, composting, sustainability

    This activity includes Google Form with 5 sections. Students will watch 2 short video clips, analyze a graphic organizer, and read a short text.

    Free Download on TpT: Earth Day Digital Vocabulary Lesson


    3. Earth Day Teaching Slides and Printables

    Teaching slides are ready to use, along with accompanying NO PREP printables. (Take a look!)


    Your students will love the activities and learn a lot!

    • Fill out the Earth’s Resources chart
    • Sort items with the cut-and-paste Conservation Sort
    • Answer 8 multiple-choice questions with task cards
    • Write about Earth Day using 1 of 8 prompts
    • Go on an Earth Day scavenger hunt
    Try the Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Compost Sort (and recycle your scraps!)

    Test your knowledge (and take a grade) with 8 multiple-choice task cards.

    We LOVE this beautiful bulletin board put together using the templates and writing prompts! Print and go!

    See it on TPT: Earth Day Activities


    4. Conservation SciencELA

    If you have yet to try SciencELA, you don’t know what you’re missing. Build students’ background knowledge and teach vital ELA skills! 

     For sale on TpT: Conservation SciencELA



    5. Out the Door to Explore

    People appreciate our planet more when they spend time interacting with it. Here are some activities you can use to teach your students about nature and the great outdoors!

    Out the Door to Explore

    Plant Explorations

    Ecosystem Explorations


    I hope these activities help your students learn more about the world this Earth Day

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    1 thought on “Earth Day Science 2025 for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade”

    1. Your Earth Day scavenger hunt is adorable! I love how students can also do this with their families at home and be able to get outside. Including vocabulary was also a great idea, and I can see students learning a lot with this. I see that you have used a scavenger hunt in a few other posts, which I really like, and I want to do this in my science classes as well.

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