While I LOVE to teach thematically, a required scope and sequence and district unit tests can get in the way.
Problem solved.
This supplemental resource will enhance your upper elementary life science unit as you work your way through the required unit pacing. What topic do students love? The ocean! Fascinating animals, exotic habitats, strange adaptations, who could ask for more?
I specifically designed this Ocean Life resource to correlate with 5th grade science TEKS for life science related to ecosystems (5.9A-C) and animal adaptations and behaviors (5.10A-B).
There are 11 activities in all to use throughout your life science unit. Some of the activities are quick Interactive Notebook pages. Others will take a full class period. One activity is a multi-day project that ties in all of the life science standards included!
See how I integrated this unit into my plans by downloading the free planning guide.
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See Ocean Life on TpT
See a resource preview and learn more about what it included on TpT.
Read Alouds
These books are suggested to enhance your lessons and classroom library. I recommend checking Epic, your school and public library, or Amazon below (affiliate links).
Classroom Props
If you’re feeling a *little extra* and want to bring in a few props for this unit, here are some fun recommendations. It’s totally not necessary, but can be a fun addition!
1 thought on “Tide Pools, Reefs, and Sharks, Oh My: Life Science and Oceans”
I really enjoy all the resources you provide for us! Thank you