Welcome to the next post in my Classroom Management Solution Series and a stop on the Bright Ideas Blog Hop!
The Problem
Many teachers use computers, iPads, tablets, or Chromebooks as part of centers. And what’s the teacher usually doing during centers? Working with a small group. We can teach our students to problem solve, but there are still going to be issues.
The Solution
Train two students per class to be Tech Helpers. They can be trained before school or during lunch one day. I recommend choosing students who will be in class during centers and have an aptitude for working with technology. Teach them how to deal with normal issues that may come up:
- A password is needed that the student doesn’t have.
- The computer freezes.
- A student has trouble printing.
- A student has trouble with email.
- A student cannot find the website he is looking for.
- The laptop battery is low.
I keep a list of the Tech Helpers for each class near our centers information so students know who to go to if there is a problem. I make it a rule that only Tech Helpers can ask me a question about an issue. This is a great solution for everyone!

1 thought on “Classroom Management Solution: Tech Helpers {A Bright Idea}”
Seems like a good solution!