Solo Cup Teamwork Challenge

Back to School Teamwork Activity: cup stacking challenge!
Today, my classes completed the Cup Challenge!  We loved it!  The point of this was for students to practice their new lab team roles and develop some teamwork guidelines.
Each team gets 6 cups, string, and rubber bands. Using just string and rubber bands, students must make a pyramid with the cups. No touching the cups with hands!
We brainstormed teamwork guidelines with each class, then combined those into 4 main guidelines to follow.
We will communicate.
We will concentrate.
We will practice together.
We will listen.
Back to School Teamwork Activity: cup stacking challenge!


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6 thoughts on “Solo Cup Teamwork Challenge”

  1. My kids loved this activity! I have 1 class that has not gotten to it yet, and they are so excited. I did not tie the strings to the rubber band, but made them figure that part out! It was great fun watching them!

  2. We played the game with the cups of course none of us got it because they were cheating but it’s hard and you have to really think and concentrate and have a steady hand to do it but it was fine thank you


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