I have been using centers all year in science and decided to get one set ready for publishing. I’ll publish the rest eventually, but have not had the time this year with everything else I’ve been working on.
Introducing: Adapt! A Science Stations Unit.
This is a bit different from Science Weekly Five. First of all, the stations are self-paced and take more time to complete. It includes more activities and is a bit higher in the thinking and analysis required.

As usual, the supplies needed outside of what it provided are minimal. In this case, a piece of foam and a pipe cleaner. Yes, that’s it. Printer ink and a laminator wouldn’t hurt. 🙂

My students LOVED this. They did very well with these stations and there was little confusion since it was so planned out for them. I was able to meet with groups for 45 minutes each day while students worked through them. They did awesome!
Find it at my TpT Store: Adapt! Science Stations
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