If you’re a science teacher looking for an EASY way to jazz up your classroom, The Science Penguin’s decor set is perfect for you! It’s got posters that cover everything from the scientific method to engineering design process and science tools.
The posters are both visually appealing and educational, so your students will be sure to pay attention.
The set also comes with bonus posters like the ABCD Diagram posters and “I ♥ Science” letters to help you add some personality to your classroom. So if you want to make your classroom a more fun and educational place to learn, The Science Penguin’s decor set is the way to go!
Choose to print in color or black/white
✔️ Think, Explore, Discover, Observe, Create Posters
✔️ Science Tools Posters
✔️ I ♥ Science Letters
✔️Scientific Method Posters
✔️ Engineering Design Process Posters
✔️ ABCD Diagram posters
✔️ 4 Fun Bonus Posters

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