Did I ever tell you about the Mythbusters twins? These two students knew everything in the 5th grade science curriculum when they walked through the door on the first day of school.
They watched many science videos, read many science books, AND had seen every episode of Mythbusters.
Have you had students like that who needed more? Well, I have a solution for you that I wish I had back then.
Drumroll, please. 🥁
Science Digital Choice Menus are perfect for advanced 3rd-5th grade students who crave new learning and want to dive a little deeper into the topics of study.
Here are NINE ideas of what you can include in a Science Choice Menu.

When I designed the digital choice boards, I set them up in Google Slides and made them like Tic-Tac-Toe boards. That way, students can choose three activities in a row.
I was strategic in how I set them up too. Any direction they choose has a writing option!
I wrote nine activities in a grid on the first slide. Each activity links to its slide. In the Rainforest Choice Menu below, you can see the nine options!
What would you choose if you were a student? I’d go for the Card Sort, Claim Writing, and Food Web.

What’s so great about digital choice menus in science?
- Student choice is at the heart of the activity.
- Students have an opportunity to dive deeper into a standard.
- They are easy for the teacher to assign.
- Advanced students get a much-needed enrichment opportunity.
- Students are exposed to science topics they will see again in middle school.
Want to try digital choice menus but don’t have time to design your own? You can find them in my TpT store designed for advanced 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade students. Just assign and go!
Video Tutorial
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