The focus of these activities is our solar system, focusing on the Sun-Earth-moon system and comparing and contrasting the Sun, Earth, and moon.
The sun, moon, and E
arth are different in a number of ways:
Size: The sun is much larger than the Earth and the moon. It is the largest object in the solar system and is about 109 times bigger than the Earth. The moon is about 1/4 the size of the Earth.
Distance: The sun, Earth, and moon are also located at different distances from each other. The sun is at the center of the solar system, while the Earth and moon orbit around it. The moon is much closer to the Earth than the sun, and it takes about 28 days to orbit it.
Composition: The sun, moon, and Earth are also made up of different materials. The sun is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium gas, while the Earth is made up of various materials including rock, metal, and water. The moon is also made up of rock but has much less water and a thinner atmosphere than Earth.
Let’s teach!
1. ☀️ Sun-Earth-Moon System Model
After teaching students about the positions and orbits of the sun, Earth, and moon, have students create a model. Provide each team with a marble, a wiffle ball, a practice golf ball (a ping pong ball can work too), several pipe cleaners, some sticky notes, and a Directions Page.
Teams follow the directions to create their own model of the Sun, Earth, and Moon. I’ve seen some interesting models, but as long as students can identify the limitations of their model, it’s all good.
Free Download! Student Directions

2. 🌎 Comparing and Contrasting the Sun, Earth, and Moon
This activity is simple and gets straight to the point.
This file includes:
• Lesson Suggestions
• Photos of the Sun, Earth, and Moon
• Sun, Earth, and Moon Information Pages
• Facts Chart (for students to complete) and key
• Sorting Cards for a Triple Venn Diagram
See it on TpT! Comparing and Contrasting the Sun, Earth, and Moon
3. 🌕 Digital Inquiry
Designed for Google Classroom, this no-prep differentiated resource is a game-changer! In this activity, students combine information from multiple sources to explain what physical characteristics make the Moon and Sun so different from Earth.
See it on TpT! What makes the Moon and Sun so different from Earth?
4. ✏️ Sun, Earth, and Moon Acrostics
Use the idea sheet and some creativity to create acrostics for Sun, Earth, and Moon! Print on colored paper for a bulletin board or add to your notebooks!
Sign up for your free activity! Science Penguin Free Resource Library

5. 🔎 Labs in a Snap
Labs in a Snap includes 3 easy activities to help students learn about rotation and revolution in space and the Sun-Earth-Moon System.
See it on TpT! Sun-Earth-Moon System Labs in a Snap
TEKS 3.8C construct models that demonstrate the relationship of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, including orbits and positions
TEKS 5.8D identify and compare the physical characteristics of the Sun, Earth, and Moon
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