Teaching science for the first time can be tough!
Finding time to create lessons and labs for the science TEKS from scratch is even more challenging.
What if your year of science was already mapped out for you?
You can use our day-by-day planning guides and a bundle of meticulously-crafted resources, tweaking our suggestions to meet your students’ needs.
We can help you save time and energy in grades 3-5!
3rd Grade Science TEKS Bundle
Implementing Science Penguin materials in grades 3-5 promotes vertical alignment within your school. The third grade material builds key science knowledge and vocabulary through hands-on learning.
What's included?
- Labs in a Snap
- Digital Vocab Lessons
- Notebook Templates
- Picture Dictionary
- Task Cards
- Outdoor Lessons
- Spiral Review
- Digital Inquiry Jr.
- TEKS-based Assessments
- Planning Guide
4th Grade Science TEKS Bundle
Using Science Penguin in 3rd-5th grades provides a chance for smooth, consistent progress across different levels on your campus. Your school's fourth graders will be ready for fifth grade science success!
What's included?
- Science Centers and Labs
- Notebook Templates
- Digital Inquiry
- Slides & Notes
- Digital Vocabulary Lessons
- Picture Dictionary
- Spiral Review
- Assessments & Exit Tickets
- Sorts & Task Cards
- Planning Guide
5th Grade Science TEKS Bundle
We know the challenge of keeping fifth graders excited about learning while also preparing them to conquer Science STAAR. With this resource, you will find that sweet spot of balance as you engage your students in meaningful, TEKS-aligned learning.
What's included?
- Science Centers & Labs
- Notebook Templates
- Digital Inquiry
- Slides & Notes
- Picture Dictionary
- Sorts
- Spiral Review
- Small Group Intervention
- Assessments & Exit Tickets
- STAAR Test Prep
- Task Cards
- Planning Guide
Take your pick!

3rd Grade Science Bundle
Vocabulary and hands-on labs to build a strong science foundation.
Designed specifically for the Texas TEKS.

4th Grade Science Bundle
Activities and investigations to encourage critical thinking and build knowledge.
Designed specifically for the Texas TEKS.

5th Grade Texas Science Bundle
Rigorous, efficient, and engaging lessons to ensure student success on STAAR.
Designed specifically for the Texas TEKS.
We work with schools!
Texas School Purchasing
A solution designed for Texas schools
Prefer TPT? Find your bundle there, too!
Click the image of your preferred bundle.